Sump/Refugium for 90 Gallon


New Member
What would everyone recommend as the minimum/adequate sump/refugium size for my 90 Gallon??
**While I'm asking :thinking:
Does anyone know of a link for good step by step instructions on how to build one?
Thank you


The minimum is the wrong way to look at a sump. Go as big as you can... If you are building then I would fill up the space. I don't think there is a minimum per say, but to small and the water will go through it to fast.


Well I have a 55gallon main tank, drains into a wetdry and then to a home made 10 gallon sump and back to the main. It works like a champ.


New Member
I understand that "bigger is better" when it comes to sumps but the physical restraints of my stand will only allow around a 25 gallon tank. Is this sufficient enough for my 90 gallon?


if 25 is biggest you can fit in the stand, then you dont have much of a choice unless you went smaller. if you really wanted to have a larger sump tank, you might be able to pipe the system so its out of tank stand: not ideal unless the sumptank is hidden somehow. just a thought, good luck.


Active Member
I believe you should be able to fit a 30 gal tank under your stand. The tank is 3' long and your stand should be 4'
Use the search function on this website for lots of articles on refugiums.

30-xtra high

Active Member
minimum but efficient would be 1/3 the dt size, so if yours is a 90, try 30, if you can't fit 30, go for a 25 and it'll be ok, not as good, but tolerable


New Member
The problem is it is a 90 gallon bow front. LFS measured the stand and told me that with equipment and everything in it, that i shouldnt go over a 25g.
So.....Next question:
If I scrap the idea of doing the refugium and just turn to doing a plain sump with baffles seperating the overflow/skimmer from the inflow/return pump will a 25 be sufficent then?
Will this setup be ok if my plan is to go with a LR and LS as a way of filtration rather than bio balls?
By the way, thanks for everyone's help.
I'm obviously new to this and want to get a plan down before I start buying equipment.