Sump / Refugium - oversimplified??


Presently on my 55 gallon tank I have a 10 gallon sump that is just a 10 gallon aquarium with a Sealife Systems skimmer and return pump, plus a heater. I want to expand this to give me a refugium for plants (for water quality primarily), and to increase water volume. I have looked through various posts and seen many elaborate plumbing systems. What I am proposing to do is much less elaborate, but I don't see why it will not work. Tell me what I am doing wrong, please, before I start buying and building.
I am attaching an image, but I am looking at getting a 96 qt sterlite container ("clear" container like Rubbermaid) from Walmart or Target. Approximate dimensions are 34" long x 14" deep x about 15" tall; plus another sterlite container about the size of a large file box (maybe 10" x 12" x 12" high . . . perhaps a little larger, but a few inches shorter than the large box). This second box will serve as the refugium and be inside the larger box.
I am not using bubble baffles, because bubbles have not been a problem in the 10 gallon sump, so I do not expect them to be a problem here.
The picture shows the rest -- I hope. Have I oversimplified this to the point that something will not work? I plan to put sand, LR, and plants in the refugium.


Active Member
The only problem I see is that you will lose pressure in your return by diverting it to the fuge. If you don't care about that, then your design is fine. If that is a factor for you, you may want to make the fuge a closed loop, and have a separate pump drawing out of the sump into the fuge.


The only problem I see is that you will lose pressure in your return by diverting it to the fuge.
Yeah, my plan is to put an adjustable valve of some sort (not sure until I get to explore the plumbing section at Lowes) that will cut the amount going to the fuge to maybe 5% - 7% but keep most of the flow returning to the tank.


Active Member
That is almost exactly what I just built for my new tank, the only thing I added was baffles to reduce the microbubbles.
Here is a picture of the design


Active Member
you could always not t off the return line and just use a powerhead to feed water to the fuge.. thats probably what i will do when i go to make mine.