sump return help


I have two aqua clear 402 power heads in my 30 gallone aquarium. I have 1/2 drain to 10 gallon sump. I have Maxi jet 900 in sump to return water to main tank. It just doesn't seem to return the water to the main tank as fast as it drains out of the main tank. I think I need better circulation. Any advice would be appreciated.


Active Member
are you useing an overflow box?? if so you need to raise it up just a little, this will adjust your water fllow down to your sump.


Active Member
You bet, hope it works. It should though, you may have to adjust it just a little one way or the other, but you will get it.


Have you cleaned the return pump recently. I am not familiar with the inner working of that pump, but I recently cleaned my return pump and can not believe the difference it has made.

salty cheese

Active Member
You need a bigger pump, IMO a powerhead is not good enough for a return pump, you might want to try a Mag-Drive 5 for that over-flow.


well everyone. I tried adjusting the overflow, although it is doing somwhat better, the return pump still isn't quite able to keep up all the time. works well for a bit then seems to slack off.
Yes I have cleaned it, I check my pumps weekly. It is so squeeky clean it thinks its brand new.

Next step I will try a stonger pump, which has more gph turnover. Thanks everyone for your input. As soon as I can get to the store to p/u one. I'll repost and let everyone know how it goes.


Is it necessary to have an overflow box? Or does the overflow pipe do the same thing? Is that the best way to control the water levels?


well I had trouble finding the Mag Drive 5, so went out and got a Rio 2100.... zoom..... it works very well in turning over the water.... Much better. Now I have another problem. Low calcium 370 and algae. Will do new post with all that info.

salty cheese

Active Member
Rio:scared: :scared: :scared:
Do a search on the board about those. They have a BAD reputation.
Did you try any online sources for the Mag5?


OMG, that means if I find a mag drive 5 and order it online, I might get it before this rio poops out on me... :nervous: Guess I shoulda held out a little longer... I got a case of the I can't wait any mores... thanks for the advice Salty