Sump set-up ?

Can anyone give me step by step instructions on how to set-up a fresh water sump? any pics that explain it?
So far I know that I need a ten gal. tank,
and things to take and return the water....
1. What equipment am I gonna need?
2. how expensive is this really gonna be?
BTW It would be a sump for the tank in the sig.


Your post seems like me a few months ago. I could be wrong, but as far as I ever saw, making your own sump is a learning experience with almost no real "guides" on the net.
Since I could not find all the info I really needed, I bought a manufactured sump and I was disaponted. It can barely hold my heaters and is kinda small (even though I have a 125 and it's rated up to 200 gal.)
My honest reccomendation is to either:
A. buy a manufactured sump, accept that it won't be EXACTLY what to you want, but it will allow you to learn A LOT and build your next sump EXACTLY how ya want it.
B. go to a GOOD LFS and ask TONS of questions. They may get annoyed though. My LFS is cool but taking up hours of their time with DIY sump questions was enough to make any employee go hide in back. h:p
I don't mean to discourage you. I'm merely sharing my experience.