Sump setup / plumbing Q's?


Im upgrading from a 50 without a sump to a 90 with one.
Attached are the pictures of the sump I have, its setup up to run a bag filter in the first section and thats all I know, I bought it used.
Should I section it off to make a skimmer section and a fuge section, or should I just toss all my macro outside the bag in the bag filter section?
Can/should heaters also go in the sump?
Im having the tank drilled by my lfs, what size should my inlet and outlet be?
Where should I have the overflow put? Its a 90 so there IS a center brace.
What type of pipe should I use to plumb this, pvc or vynl?
Finially what should I use for a return pump? Mag 7, mag 12.5, something else?

1 1/4 Inlet

2 in outlet


New Member
Hi I am setting up my 7 ½ foot tank and I have two holes drilled up the top of the tank.
I am going to connect it to two sumps 1 is a plastic aqua one sump which has 3 boxes on the bottom with two boxes on the top. I am using a Neptune 5000 pump to return water back to the tank.
All my connections are with pvc piping as I fell are much better to run water thro, if you go to your local fish dealer they all use pvc for their sumps at the back….
The other sump I have is a glass one which this sump will be used as a fefugium. I have done heaps of reasearch on this and found that it will be a great addition to the setup when complete and running. I am going to put a good layer of arrignite in the bottom of the sump and grow mangrow trees and other plant life to grow algae,
This week I am getting the glass sump moderfied so that I have a wier in it so it does not stir up the gravel too much ..
I ll post some picture tomorrow ……
Cheers tim
Goood luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by sman
Im upgrading from a 50 without a sump to a 90 with one.
Attached are the pictures of the sump I have, its setup up to run a bag filter in the first section and thats all I know, I bought it used.
Should I section it off to make a skimmer section and a fuge section, or should I just toss all my macro outside the bag in the bag filter section?
Can/should heaters also go in the sump?
Im having the tank drilled by my lfs, what size should my inlet and outlet be?
Where should I have the overflow put? Its a 90 so there IS a center brace.
What type of pipe should I use to plumb this, pvc or vynl?
Finially what should I use for a return pump? Mag 7, mag 12.5, something else?
I would find a way to use the macros and keep them out of your system pumps. Typically you want them upstream from your skimmer section. This way they get the most nutrients from the water (and aren't at risk for ozone damage if you later decide to use it).
You can definitely use heaters in the sump. Just measure the temperature in your tank and slowly adjust the sump heater(s) accordingly.
Inlet and outlet size is really up to you. I would drill them at least 1 inch.
You can put the overflow anywhere you want. They are normally in the corner or in the middle of the tank. Mine is in the corner. IMO, a corner overflow is easier to aquascape around.
I would use PVC. It is more sturdy, cleaner looking and is opaque which helps keep algae out of your return line.
Finally, you want even, yet turbulent water movement in your tank. If you go with the Mag 7, I would get a few powerheads and place them in the tank to break up dead spots... but if you use the mag 12, I would attach a spray bar to it so that is is not like a jet engine going into your tank. I would still get a few powerheads though. Mag drives are definitely good pumps. I've had one for 7 years with 0 problems and I got mine used.


Thanks for the info Sly!
I think i will put my overflow in the corner then, im already terrible at aquascaping I dont need any more challanges, lol.
I was planing on having several powerheads in the tank, so I guess I will get a mag 7 then.
I attached a picture of how I think Ill set it up, let me know what you guys think. BTW heaters would be going in the big section with the skimmer.


Active Member
With the way that the sump is set up, it doesnt appear that the macro will get good light in that section. How big is the second skimmer section? Maybe you can have the LFS add a baffle or two so that the middle section can be the fuge?
It almost looks like you could remove that whole inlet piece just have a drain pipe in the corner and the skimmer would still fit in that first section. Then you could have the fuge in the middle (with baffles) and return on the right. Thats the typical deisgn layout for smaller sized fuges (including my own).


Active Member
Here is my crude drawing of what I meant. Notice the baffles I added which you may have to work with the LFS to get installed.
While some people swear by filter socks, they can be a nitrate source if not regularly cleaned. I dont use one and you might get better use of your sump by foregoing it and putting the skimmer in there (assuming it fits).
Plus, the macro as it grows acts as mechanical filtration for mine sump for anything that isnt picked up by the skimmer.


There is plenty of room in the first section for the skimmer, and I could silicone the panels in myself no problem, my only question is, would the macro still get enough nutrients being downstreem from the skimmer?


Active Member
oh absolutely they will. the skimmer doesnt skim all water that goes through the sump, it couldnt efficiently handle that much flow. Plus, the macro algae removes nitrates and phospahtes which are dissolved in the water. The skimmer doesnt perform the same task. It takes out the fish poo and uneaten food, along with dissovled proteins and some other stuff.
In addition to the cheato, i have a HUGE pod population along with hermits and about 5 lbs of tonga rubble rock in my fuge section, which is after the skimmer. Id post you a pic of my fuge, but I cant log on to photobucket here at work.


Active Member
for water volume purposes you might want to make that last baffle I drew in before the return pump a little shorter or elimate it altogether. You need enough water in the last section so that once you restart the system after feeding or maintaining the pump, the pump doesnt run dry before the water starts flowing through the sump again.


Im going to go buy some acylic right now, how tall should the pannels on either side of the fuge be?
Also how far from the bottom should the second to last pannel be?
I think I will eliminate the last pannel.
Regualar silicone will work OK right or is there something special?
Also, will super glue work on acrylic (a friends protien skimmer) and be safe for the tank?


Going to cut the pannels, I decided on 12 in high out of 15.5 tall sump, I may change my mind before I get to the band saw, hollar quick if 12 is to tall or short!


Active Member
It might be a bit tall, but its really tough to tell without being there. The only draw back in having them taller is how much volume can the sump hold if the power goes out. If it doesnt overflow, then youre ok. I know that doesnt help too much, sorry.
The second to last can be an inch to 1.5" off the ground. just enough to not impede the flow. Also, the baffles should not be less than 1" apart from one another.
Regular silicone shoud be fine, just make sure the seal is good.
Also super glue is reef safe, but super glue gel is better to use for mounting corals.


New Member
hi Sman
here are some pictures of my new 7 1/2 foot tank for my sharks ...
i am using the plastic sump at the back for filtration which has heaps of bio balls and filter pads....
the glass sump i will be getting moderfied just like gatorwpb has explained to you...
how big is your tank and what fish will you be getting?
Question For GatorWPB: Do you have a light above your sump if so what kind and when does it turn on and off, would be great to see some pics of your setup...
and the gravel in the sump did you use the same gravel that is in the tank?
i am going to use Carib Sea Aragonite (seaflor Special grade reef sand) i found this to better than the gravel i use to have in my other tank as soon as i switched it made a big diffrence as it was just crushed shell base...



Le sump, she is running! Got er all siliconed up last night and I just filled it with the last bach of tank water I pulled, added the skimmer, threw on a light and TADA! It works! Pretty, **** no. Funtionial, your darn tootin!
Pictures when I get home from work 9pm eastern!


Just using a MJ600 to pump water from the return compartment to the skimmer compartment for testing purposes, seems to work!

This will likely be the light, I have another bulb or 2 for this, this one is just the lowest one I have on the kalvin scale, and is most likely best suited for growing macro.