You DO NOT use 2 pumps to utilize a sump. At least you don't pump out the water then pump it back in. The drain is fully syphon or gravity fed. You need to figure out first what the purpose of the sump is going to be. Then you figure out the sump size, based on what you want and what you can fit. Then you figure out the flow to the sump. Then you figure out the return pump. I like the mag drives very well myself. Also, you will need to do some calculations to get it right, as well as determine baffle height if bubble traps are to be used. Oversizing your drains and not using any tight bends or hard 90's is very important.
Do some research before you go any further. While asking questions is a great way to do research, googling and reading will get you much more knowledge faster. Research sumps and refugiums. Of course we will be glad to answer your questions, but you can gain much more, faster this way.
Also, if your going to buy that size of a tank, and you know your going to do a sump, please dont let yourself buy anything except a reef ready tank. You'll thank your self 10X over. Also, there are different styles of RR tanks. Single OF, dual OF, corner or center OF's, Even end OF's. Think about the tank and how you might want to aquascape it as well as what you might be keeping in it BEFORE you buy the tank. You can also get them with the back glass tinted, my Oceanic 135 is and I LOVE it. I'll never have anything any other way.
One more thing, IMO a 30 gallon wont be near big enough for a 150 or 180. Maybe for just a sump, but why not go ahead and do a 55, or better 75 sump/ fuge?