sump setup


I didn't think it would be that tough but I'm having a devil of a time trying to get my sump pump to match the flow out of my display tank. I made one out of an 18 gallon storage tub. No refugium; just tub with return pump for now.
first the water was entering the overflow area just a little too quickly and I was slowly heading for a flood and then I adjust and overflow tank started slurping. tougher than I thought it would be.


There should be no adjustment on the overflow side except perhaps an emergency shut off valve, you only reduce flow on the return side to match the output of the overflow.
If you still ahve gargling after that try puting a piece of tubing into the overflow drain a bit and leave it hang there


Active Member
the overflow wont drain anymore water than the return pump put back to the tank.what kind of overflow do you have?is it the "u" tube or the waterfall type?i have both kinds and neither are noisy but my waterfall kind has an air primer pump tube on it that makes some noise.