Sump size


Active Member
Well, when it comes to sumps the bigger the better. Id say that a 55-90 gal would be best, but at least a 20 gal if that is all that you can fit.


I use a forty breeder nder my 210 and it works out great.


Active Member
IMHO for a sump to be most effective it should be at least 1/3 to 1/2 of the volume of the tank but as said previously bigger is better. smaller is ok any a sump is better than no sump.
with your 210 I would shoot for about 90g of sump volume but thats just me, I'mn sure a 40g long would work well also but I like big sumps.
taking it to the extreme I have seen a setup thats 90g display and a 125g sump. talk about a nice tank. its stocked (fishwise) like a 90 with no sump. the result is a spectaculary stable and clean 90g.


Bigger the better, I would try to do a 75 at least IMO. I like to go big when it comes to a sump/refuge, especially if you plan to run an "in-sump" skimmer. I have a 75gal on my 100gal reef. It has a Refuge in it along with my "in-sump" Octo Recirc skimmer.


Yup, the bigger the better. I am in the process of setting up a 230 that will have a 230 sump/fuge. I have another 120 gallon tank that I may plumb in as well.
Right now I have a 55 display with a 100 gal sump and a 20 gal fuge.