Sump vs. wet/dry system



I really don't know which one is the better of the two can anyone give me the pros and cons of both...seems everyone is going sump


Active Member
mine came with a wet/dry and I want to convert it to a sump type. what I know is that the sump type gives you compartments for your skimmer and for a fuge. bioballs like to become nitrate factories if not maintained well. hth


Yea that's what Ive been told about the bio balls. I have a rena filstar xP3 full of the ceramic noodles but my nitrates tend to creep up on me if I don't watch it I do water changes every two weeks 25% that keeps the nitrates between 5 and 10 everything else is in good shape. I read on here that people with sumps can keep their nitrates at 0 that's where I want to be.