sump vs wet dry


I am a few days away from setting up the tank of my dreams. I have been doing allot of research and want to do it right. I was wondering the pros and cons of wet/dry filter vs sump. i am setting up a 55 reef and fish tank. Thanks


you can go with both :) ...but if you've gotta go with one or the other i would say to go with a sump with a can make one with stuff from home depot and a pump...look on the DIY board...

the claw

Active Member
What the heck, go with both, then add a refugium when you get your feet wet. Figuratively speaking of course, unless your sump overflows.


Active Member
If you truly want to go reef, I would not spend the money on a wet/dry, most reefers do not use a wet/dry because the bio balls can become a nitrate factory and you want as low nitrates as possible in a reef. I would build your own sump, you can house your skimmer, heaters and have a refugium in it. If you have a DSB and around 2lbs of LR per gallon a skimmer and a refugium this is all the filtration you should need.