sump wet/dry


I purchased an Eshopps Sump Wet/Dry from ----. I received it today and a part of the seperating wall in the middle of the box is broken on the bottom. Is there some sort of glue I can use to fix it that would be safe for fish? The guy is making it right with me but I thought if I could just fix the acrylic I would still use it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by dnvrbrown
I purchased an Eshopps Sump Wet/Dry from ----. I received it today and a part of the seperating wall in the middle of the box is broken on the bottom. Is there some sort of glue I can use to fix it that would be safe for fish? The guy is making it right with me but I thought if I could just fix the acrylic I would still use it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated
As mentioned in the other thread answer..Weld-on products #3 anmd #16 are made for acrylic and are reef safe