

When I set up a sump on my tank I have had now for a year, do I just fill it with new saltwater or what. I am putting a 10gl sump on my 20gl aquarium and dont know if that will be to much new water or not.


Active Member
i would take about 2 to 5 gallons from your mane tank, and then put in new salt salt water to finish it off, let it run ( The Sump ) with a filter or power head for a few weeks , with some LR or what ever your going to put in it ie. LS.. then just replace the water in your mane tank, just like you would on your water changes. hope that helps...and i hope im right there!! :notsure: Good luck, Todd


I don't think all that is necessary. Just hook everything up, fill with new water and let er rip. Assuming you have everything plumbed right, the new water will mix with the old just like a water change. I added my sump and refugium to my existing tank without the need for any "sump cycle". HTH


Active Member
I have to agree with "migston" i did not do all that for my sump/refugium and everything is working fine and better than just a regular sump