Sump ?


New Member
Has anyone ever put a sump on a 30 Gal before? I know it's not necessary, but I'm just curious. I am going to be starting off with a hang on Skimmer, but I have a 10 Gal tank from when I kept my freshwater fish, and I was thinkin' to myself the other day "... hmmm... could I use this 10 Gal for a sump on my new 30 Gal?" Would it even bee worth it? I'm not going to go overboard with coral. I like a simpler tank. Not so reefy. I love the reef style but IMO some of them start to look Really Cluttered. I just want a Nice, Clean, Simple, Beautiful, 30 Gal reef setup. Would a sump even be worth it? if anyone has done it, likes it, and has pics or drawings... may I see?
Also. Just out of Curiocity, how many of you are running VHO's on your 30 gals, and how do you like them? What made you choose VHO? I have read about some of the differences between PC, HO, VHO, and MH; but I think MH is gunna be a bit overkill for my lil 30, especially since I want it to stay a softy tank. I could see it if I wanted to do stonys, but... I doubt it just in a 30 gal.


Active Member
I have a 20 gallon sump on a 29 gallon reef, and I added it mainly for aesthetic reasons (keeping things out of the display). It's helped to create a very clean looking reef.
And for lighting, I run 250W of MH; just because I'm a MH junkie and love the look of MH lighting over any type of fluroscent. But VHO is my favorite type of fluroscent for softy and LPS tanks that I've seen.


New Member
Thanx for the advise Rob. I'm actually lookin for a good deal on some lighting. I just bought my 30 Gallin tank. I'm lookin for someone with dual 96 watters - 36", or a Single 175 watt MH... SETUP (retrofit). I'm sick of seeing overpriced ads for lighting, and then you click on it, and come to find out that they are only selling half the parts. Seeing as you are a MH junkie... Where do you get your lights? What kind of prices? And would you or any of your friends be able to hook me up on a sweet deal? about $150.00 or less is what I'm lookin' to spend for a used setup, (VHO/PC = No Bulbs with)... (MH= 1 Bulb with) If you have any suggestions let me know please, and once again. thanx for the advice.
-Dave S.
P.S. I'm a HUGE DIY Guy. It saves $$$ and I LOVE being Creative. :D