
where is a good sight to price sumps/wet dry filters, also is it worth trying to build i know nothing about them other than they can greatly improove my reef....


Active Member
We can't post websites here-suggest using Google to search for a sump-you will get a lot hits! As for building one, I have seen a number of posts here on about fabricating sumps so do a search on that word and check out what people have done. Going that way ultimately depends on your skill set in fabrication, tools you have on hand, and your motivation! I bought my sump from my LFS years ago and it has worked great for me.

al mc

Active Member
If you enjoy building things then I would build it yourself. Then you can make it any shape/size that fits your space. There is a great DIY site for acrylic sump construction. I have posted the site before without trouble, but as a courtesy to our I would just suggest you google the following two words.....'melevs' and 'reef' Good luck