sumpfugium placement


Active Member
Where should i put my sumpfugium? Should it be above the tank and drain back with a sipon? or should it be beneath the tank and pump with two powerheads? i was thinking of using two maxijet 1200's. will this work well or will i have to worry about creating a siphon?
It's 10 gal, but my display is only a 20.
The 20 will eventually become the fuge when I bring my 75 gal online. But, that's at least 6 months in the future.


Active Member
I have a 10 gallon i just set up, for my 29. All i did was take a single piece of acrylic and drill four 1/4" holes in it to share water. the places a little more than half way to the middle in the tank. I siliconed it up and am awaiting my pumps right now.
What do you use for the plumbing? pics?
Mine is still under construction.
But basically it's a 10 gal with a divider pane with a comb cut out of it (Like on a overflow (but it looks like hell. :) )) and a return hole at the other end.
No pictures yet as it's still not completely assembled.


Active Member
well mine has water in it right now. as well as LS. Ill show you some pics when i get it done. I plan on plumbing pretty soon