Sun Coral In Aggresive Tank


I have a 115 g aggresive tank. I currently have only
1 sfe
and plan on getting a
volitans lionfish
powderblue tang
Regal angelfish(or another type of angel)
and I was just wondering if it were a good idea to keep a
SUN CORAL in my tank.


Active Member
you may find it hard to keep with an angel but the other fish will be fine with it but remember each pollup of the sun coral must be spot fed regularyfor it to grow .this may be more difficult to do in an aggressive tank


I agree. WAY too hard to do in an aggressive tank. Takes me 20mins to feed my suncoral, and Id NEVER want to have my arm in my aggressive tank that long with my attention elsewhere. Youll be stung and bitten 10 times in the first month!


Active Member
I spot feed my sun coral but it doesn't take 20 minutes .. and I do it with a stick so maybe you could do that so that you never have to have your hand in the tank .. but just to warn you .. the regal angel might pick at the coral


Originally Posted by aquatics24
im curious, but maybe martin is wondering too...why do you have to spot feed suncoral

Its better to spot feed them because from my experience, they eat a lottttttt!!!!! Each individual polyp eats a lot mainly because they are non photosynthetic. They dont have zooaxanthalle. In the wild Im guessing they are constantly feeding on plankton,shrimp,mysis and what not. That is why its a challange to keep these corals alive in captivity because people think the food that you put in your tank would be enough to keep them alive. In my opinion, I dont know for a fact but I do know that I would rather not find out and spot feed them. They are a really easy coral to keep if you spot feed them as I have in my experience.