Sun Coral question


(tried a search but "sun" is to short of a word for the search feature)
So after seeing many pics of people suncorals I desided to add on to my last order. And I must say I am very pleased with look, size, and number of heads on the rock. But here are my questions.
I just put it in my 14g bio 24hours ago and have yet to see any heads come out on it(I know they dont like light, so I also checked a couple of hours in the night) Should I be worried, or chances are its still in shock?
With that being said that it doesnt like alot of light is the 14g bio not the best location for it as everything is under direct light. I have it under my frogspawn wich when fully open shades the sincoral from a little bit of direct light.
Would the sun coral be better off in my 55g that does have a large cave in the center of the aquascape?
Thanks for taking the time to read and replying to my thread!


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCDrift
(tried a search but "sun" is to short of a word for the search feature)
So after seeing many pics of people suncorals I desided to add on to my last order. And I must say I am very pleased with look, size, and number of heads on the rock. But here are my questions.
I just put it in my 14g bio 24hours ago and have yet to see any heads come out on it(I know they dont like light, so I also checked a couple of hours in the night) Should I be worried, or chances are its still in shock?
With that being said that it doesnt like alot of light is the 14g bio not the best location for it as everything is under direct light. I have it under my frogspawn wich when fully open shades the sincoral from a little bit of direct light.
Would the sun coral be better off in my 55g that does have a large cave in the center of the aquascape?
Thanks for taking the time to read and replying to my thread!
Give it time they are nocternal feeders. If you can manage to shade it a bit it will help. Overall though it will open up no matter what under your lighting. If you had it really close to MH lighting I would warn against possible damage. They will learn to feed according to a schedule you adhere to. Almost a pavlovian affect when you feed them at first. Just a little on them to let them know dinner is on the table. And slowly at first but more and more every day they will open up and show their polyps. Once they have learned this is the feeding method you can cut back on the frequency, as they will grow as fast as they are fed.


The only reason i would consider moving them is because if you feed them alot there will be alot of left over food floating around the feeding and it will all eventually settle. So i would move it because of the amount of waste that will settle, the bio load from the feeding wouldnt be as great in a 55 gallon. IMO