sun coral


I just purchased a sun coral. I dont know alot about them. What kind of care do they need? Any info would be a big help


Active Member
Originally Posted by Greg803
I just purchased a sun coral. I dont know alot about them. What kind of care do they need? Any info would be a big help
Doo yourself a favor and take it right back...
These are tedious to take care of and will learn you not to just buy thing before research.
How do i know this you ask...
Because I did the same thing with the same coral!
Each Polyup requires you to feed it individually, they dont like a lot of light.
It's near impossible to keep. I tried GIVING mine away no one wanted it...I tired and tried and it died..


from my understanding they dont open up verry often how do you feed them when they dont open? What do they eat?

flame guy

Oceana has a way of feeding them by putting acup over them with a hole above the cup and feed it with cyclopeeze thru the hole. I've recently been doing it and it works great and they open up big time and it keeps my shrimps away too. thanks Oceana.


New Member
I have a sun coral and all i do is feed it frozen plankton and liquid food and it has done just fine.


Originally Posted by Greg803
I just purchased a sun coral. I dont know alot about them. What kind of care do they need? Any info would be a big help
I have a sun coral and mine comes out a bunch. I feed it sweetwater plankton, brine shrimp(frozen), and sometimes liquid foods.