sun coral



Id like to know the answer to that question also. Mine opens up in the evening and closes up in the morning just befor the lights come on.


Active Member
That is the norm for them, night feeders. You can "train" them to be open during the day by feeding during the day. After a while they will start to open automatically. Turn off your circulater to the tank, thaw out some mysis or other meaty food in a cup and then take some of the water from the cup and just gently squirt it around the polyps so they "smell" it. After some time they will open then you can feed them some of the mysis. Do this long enough and they will open durin the light time of your photoperiod.
^ Spanko's methond worked for me very well. Everyday I would feed him right when my lights come on. I put the top of a 2 litre bottle over him and squirted mysis in there. He is like clockwork now.


Active Member
I read somewhere that the flesh of the sun coral is often sensitive enough that intense light can damage to the tissue. Keep and eye on it's reaction to your lights. We just got one, too. It does open a couple times during the day for very short periods. I got some nice pics with the lights off last night.
I'll see if I can find that article about intense lights causing tissue damage.
**I found a couple places that warned of tissue damage under direct light from halides, but can't link to them out of respect to SWF.**
"caves are not a requirement. light sensitivity is zero, but i must warn that lighting too high (direct lighting under MH) will damage tissue"
"I placed the coral at the end of the tank, partially shielded by LR so the lights weren't too harsh on the tissue."
The sun coral page at Melev's says to keep them out of the sand
as it can cause the flesh to recede around the edges. He say's mount them to a rock to keep it off the sand bed.