Sun Polyp Feeding?


New Member
I recently pusrchashed a red & yellow sun polyp rock. The store was very vague about the feeding. Can anyone offer some advice to help me make sure they thrive in my tank?
Should I spot feed them? If so, how often and what? I was told that they open mostly at night, so I assume they would prefer a shady spot in the tank and think that zooplankton would be a possible source of food.
Any help would be very grateful, as I don't like failing, and I would like to see my polyps thrive in my tank.
Thanks, Briang


Active Member
How about search results from the reef forumn. You will find alot of info there. I just know the basics--there's better info and explainations in those threads then what I could give. HTH :)


They will do great with cyclopeeze. Mine totally start feeding on them when I spray them with the frozen cyclopeeze using a turkey baster. I do this once or twice a week and use roti-rich just in the general tank again only once or twice a week.


Staff member
Its not that difficult but you do have to make the effort to feed them. I feed mine finely chopped seafood or often mysis or brine using a turkey baster to target feed. They open at nite, so what I do is while I feed my fish, I blow some of the food water on the suncorals to let them know that its time to start waking up to eat. That way, by the time the lights go out, they are getting ready to open up. About 1/2 after lights out, they are open and ready to eat. Spot feed as many as you can.