Sun sun canister filter


Well-Known Member
No clue about their canister filters. I have been using 4 of their 800 gph power heads for years and they keep on working.
The thing about canister filters is maintenance. To be successful in salt water and use a canister filter you need to do a lot of regular maintenance. The nature of canister filters makes this labor intensive. The nature of people results in not enough maintenance because it is a lot of work and kind of messy. I'd recommend a hang on the back filter. Still needs maintenance but the filter is much more accessible and easier to maintain.
Ok then with that said... what kind of HOB would be recommended? I like the aqueon quietflows for my freshwater tanks have a 36 gallon bow front and a ten gallon which is my sons.


Well-Known Member
You can't over filter, so go as big as will fit. In my 29 i have an emperor pro rated to 90 lol
Holy crap lol. Yea I guess you are right. I was gonna buy a second quietflow 30 for the wife's FW tank. But if I can't go wrong going big that's an idea then.

Do you like the emperor pro? Cause I can go with a decent size bio wheel for my 40 that I'm gonna run.


Well-Known Member
I generally don't like Marineland stuff, but yes the filters are good. You could go with an aquaclear 110 lol