sunburst 12k??


anyone use them.. friend of mine said he thought they werent very bright.. but I stole one off of ----.. so Im gonna plug it in a try.. anyone?? THX ~DAniel


i've also been using them for about a year and i have to say everything is doing great and they are wonderful. BUT, after reading many articles on them about how low the PAR they produce is, i have to confess that i'm considering going with 10000K ushio bulbs because they are supposed to have something like 3x the PAR (photosynthetically available radiation). i don't know if that's true or not, but the 10000K ushios are german made and are $68 on and the 12000K bulbs are more expensive everywhere i look. seems like a relatively low-risk, opportune chance to experiment! :)


I was also thinking about doing that... My lights are almost a year old and I'll be replacing them soon before they loose their spectrum. Just don't know what to do...10K or 20K?


yeah, i would go with the 10000K bulbs UNLESS you either like a really, REALLY blue tank OR you're willing to supplement with 10000K halides, PCs, VHOs, etc. mostly depends on personal taste, but they 10000K ushios are plenty blue, especially with actinic supplementation.


So would you need to supplement with 10K or not...? Just if you wanted a little more blue, right? Otherwise, 10K bulbs would do fine by themselves?