Sunburst Anthias sick?


My Sunburst Anthias has a couple whit spots on her fin, only been in the tank for a week an a half. My Coral Beauty and Kole Tang, seem to scare the Anthias but they don't nip or pursue it. Not eatting very well, should I dip or wait a bit longer? My Red Mandarin is also in trouble. He's very thin, I've added live copepods and he's eatting a ton of live brine shrimp the past couple weeks. Now his fins are looking tattered. Any help would be great. Salinity 1.022, kh 8 (going to buffer,) nitrates 0, magnesium 1100, ph 8, calcium 400.


If it is a few white dots in the middle of the tail fin then they are not stress spots, that sounds like ich. If it is faded spots then that is stress. Ich sticks right out. It seems like someone is being very aggressive in the tank. If your Mandarin is torn up then someone is not happy in there. I am guessing the Kole.


my mandarin got torn up by my 6 line wrasse, so I moved the wrasse to my aggressive tank. The Mandarin healed from that beating now he just seems thin and weak. My Anthias is deffinatelky scared of my Tang, but doesn't seem to be under attack. Hoping things settle down!!! Seems like the last few slots are the hardest to fill. Going to stick with my corals


How long ago did you move the sixline? From your original post it sounds like the Mandarin is just now getting torn up.


Awhile ago the mandarin healed from that. Unfortunately my sixline didn't like its new home and jumped out of the back after 5 days so sad my first saltwater fish. Going to buy more brine shrimp tomorrow, hope he pulls through. Got a nice new neon green Trachlophyllia today though