Sunday 6-pak

nm reef

Active Member
Been working on files of pics taken of my reef over the past 2 years....a little edit/store/delete project that is long over due. Tons of pics that need to be cleaned up and the process I've come across several that were long forgotten. So in honor of NFC/AFC Championship Sunday here is a humble lil 6-pak to enjoy while Tampa Bay and Oakland earn a date in the Super Bowl...:cool:
First up is a pic of a newly purchased staghorn.I added this piece on 03/30/ now is about 3x its origional size and will soon be fragged...a very easy to maintain coral.This was my first ever SPS type coral...I got it and several blue ridge corals from my favorite LFS for practically nothing...the owner had me in mind and basically gave me an assortment of them just to see how they'd do in my system.

nm reef

Active Member
Next is a group that shows my xenia colony about 3 months after I added started as a single stalk lower on the reef. Over a few months it literally climbed the rock to its current place and expanded to cover the top center of my reef. It is held in check from futher expansion by a couple of aggressive LPS corals...torch/bubble/fox.

nm reef

Active Member
Third up is a shot of my clove polyps...they only speciman I've ever seen offered locally...when I walked in the LFS one of the employees siad..."Check this out...we were hopefull you'd show up before it was sold..."...Great to do business with a LFS that keeps you in mind!

nm reef

Active Member
Next is a group showing my gonipora/wellsophyllia and red/green open brain...not a great pic by some of ya'alls standards...but a great group of corals in my opinion. Sadly the goni is declining and I recently lost the wellsophyllia to unknown causes...:(

nm reef

Active Member
Here is yet another coral my favorite LFS had for me on a visit about 8 months ago....the only gorgonian I've ever purchased. Since adding it the damaged/recessed areas have re-grown and it extends polyps daily. Its grown considerable since adding it and I may attempt to frag it in the near future...more trade at the LFS for credit on purchases!:D

nm reef

Active Member
Last for today is my all time favorite 'shroom....this one was accidentally added with a poly rock...its about 3" across when fully open and has sprouted several new 'shrooms since I added it about 15 months ago. I now have 7 of this little dudes in different locations in my reef...but this is the mother of them all...:cool:

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks...I'm real proud of it!
Over 2 years old now and still growing...looks much better in person and the pics would be better if only I could convince our resident photo expert RyeBread to stop by and take pics for me!!:D
But NOOOOOOOOO!!! He's too busy for the likes of my system!!!!!;)


Active Member
Your reef is really looking good! You said your goni's tissue is beginning to recess. Did you notice this after you added the skimmer to your system? Seems when you were skimmerless it was doing well. I've had a goni as well in my lightly skimmed tank for about 20 months or so. I am now just noticing a little tissue recession starting. Two days ago i removed my cinnimon clown (wich was residing in the goni for the past 6 mos). Hopefully, the coral will show a positive response to his removal.

nm reef

Active Member gonipora started to receed shortly after hooking up my sump and EuroReef CS6-2 skimmer. I seriously believe they do better in skimmerless systems. At least mine did. My gonipora has started to stabalise...but I'm not sure if it'll make it....I do have a branching type goni that still is in good shape...and a couple of alveoporas that are in excellant condition...but the Classic "flowr pot" goni is struggling at best.
The first coral? Hmmmmm...was over 2 years ago.....I think it may have been a group of corals....Green button polyps/finger leather/cabbage leather/mushroom rock with several types of 'shrooms. Now that I think about it they are all still in there too!


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
First up is a pic of a newly purchased staghorn.I added this piece on 03/30/ now is about 3x its origional size and will soon be fragged...a very easy to maintain coral.This was my first ever SPS type coral...I got it and several blue ridge corals from my favorite LFS for practically nothing...the owner had me in mind and basically gave me an assortment of them just to see how they'd do in my system.

Hey NMreef,
That doesn't look like a staghorn, but it looks much more like a green hydnophora. Staghorns are in the species of Acropora. Acropora usually has the polyp tube visible in some way.
Here's a picture of a common Staghorn:
This is a picture of a green hydnophora
: (sorry about the bad pic)

Your's looks like a hydnophora Rigita

Hydnophora's are an easy-to-care for lowlight SPS coral, and will thrive in a moderatly lit tank.
I could be wrong.


Tank looks great I agree with the skimmerless system being best for gonipora I say one in a sand/rock tub drop 3 colonys and live for years but it seemed every time one of the colonys were pulled out it would slowly receed.

nm reef

Active Member may be correct in the ID...I purchased the coral under the impression it was a staghorn....but was always skeptical about the positive ID. The polyps are very short and fully cover the branches...and they are fully extened most of the time. Sort of looks like a greenish/yellowish furry covering. I'll definitely have to look closer at the Hydnophora Rigitia information and possibly change my ID on that coral.
Who says ya can't teach a old dog new tricks!


Active Member
Hey NM-
Nice stuff as always. I just bought a plane ticket and I should be there by about 7pm tomorrow. Hope that is good for you....;)
Unfortunately I won't be stopping by anyones place but, my own. I bought a house that needs tons of work and I have been really busy with it lately.


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef may be correct in the ID...I purchased the coral under the impression it was a staghorn....but was always skeptical about the positive ID. The polyps are very short and fully cover the branches...and they are fully extened most of the time. Sort of looks like a greenish/yellowish furry covering. I'll definitely have to look closer at the Hydnophora Rigitia
information and possibly change my ID on that coral.
Who says ya can't teach a old dog new tricks!

That sounds about right. I have a frag of it in my tank, very beautiful under pure 03 actinic lighting. If you want, I can give you a few links later on regarding to the care of the species.
Anyway, really nice tank NM reef! :) I like it quite a bit. Do you have any full tank shots?


Staff member

Originally posted by SPSfreak100
Do you have any full tank shots?

Click the links in NMReef's signature.


NM Reef,
Is that galaxia in picture #3 near the cloves? If so, what's the "scoop" on them? I haven't been able to find much.