nm reef
Active Member
...the new display is just over 5 months "young" and slightly ahead of schedule. When I added water on 2/1/04 my plan was to have all the corals from my old 55 moved over and a few SPS types added by mid July. Well I managed to add a green slimer/millipora/monti cap/acropora sp...and a new maxima clam. So far everything is on track and I'm very pleased with the results to date. All of the following pics are recent shots of species from the new 100 display.
To start here are a few pics of my clams. The first is of my squamosa from the old 55...I've had it for just over 2 years.
To start here are a few pics of my clams. The first is of my squamosa from the old 55...I've had it for just over 2 years.