Sunday morning pics


Active Member
VERY SWEET. What kind of anemone is that? I dont think I have ever seen one like that before...Thats a very nice Frogspawn, hwo much did you pay for it. They have an awesome one at my LFS, it looks to be about the size of yours, but the guy wanted 80 bucks for it!!! Oh yeah, how big is the tank?
Looks simply B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L-!


Thanks everybody
The clowns are hosting in a Frogspawn not an Anemone. Sorry, I don't remember how much it was. It had 6 heads, one died off. The other 5 have been growing great. The Anemone is a BTA (Bubble Tip Anemone). It has almost doubled in size over the last 3 months. The tank is a 55 gallon and it's been up since the second week of July (this year). It's set up with the lights as stated above and has a wetdry filter and an Aqua C Remora Pro skimmer.


It's been great. It doesn't move around too much. It basically stays on "it's" rock. Just moves a couple of inches around the rock. Eats Mysis, Silversides and whatever it can catch. My only "complaint", and it's minor, is that it only makes bubbles in the morning or at night when the Actinics are on.