Originally Posted by jcrim
Epaullette (at least that's the spelling I stick with), ray, sfe, purple tang, sohal tang, miniatus grouper. There is no harlequin tusk. My sand wasn't live when I got it but all sand becomes live over time.
Now we got some responses... that's what I'm talking about.
Sorry I'm just a bit in need of glasses and too stuborn to get them I thought that was a harliquen on the right in pic 8.
How would you compare the epaullette to a bamboo?
As far as the sand goes since its not live when you get it , How well does the cycle start and did you do anything special or have any problems with it?
I was told not to even think of a purple tang in with agresive fish(sharks and rays). But I have read they are on the agresive side and you have one in your tank . would you recomend this ?