sunday night 10 pack



Just some pics from today... unfortunately a couple came out blurry



Is everyone else sick of my pics already??? I usually get 15 - 20 responses to these. Come on people, I'm fishing for compliments here. Besides, why else did I clean the tank?
If no one responds then I will get a new 50 gallon, cycle it with moorish idols and then stock it full of tangs and lookdowns. Maybe I'd also add a nice black tip shark. I bet I'd get some responses to those pics...


By the way, if that is necessary, I'll release all my current fish into a local lake. Don't worry, I'd throw a couple cases of instant ocean in there. :happyfish


Active Member
Very nice tank . What kinda shark? and epalute(sp) ? What is in there besides the shark ray SFE and harliquen tusk? Is that a blue tang and a purple tang ? I like your set up.
does that black tahitian moon sand have issues with building up a bactiria level? or is it live when you get it ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
By the way, if that is necessary, I'll release all my current fish into a local lake. Don't worry, I'd throw a couple cases of instant ocean in there. :happyfish

Great tank!!


Originally Posted by mitzel
Very nice tank . What kinda shark? and epalute(sp) ? What is in there besides the shark ray SFE and harliquen tusk? Is that a blue tang and a purple tang ? I like your set up.
does that black tahitian moon sand have issues with building up a bactiria level? or is it live when you get it ?
Epaullette (at least that's the spelling I stick with), ray, sfe, purple tang, sohal tang, miniatus grouper. There is no harlequin tusk. My sand wasn't live when I got it but all sand becomes live over time.
Now we got some responses... that's what I'm talking about.


Active Member
Do you see any aggression between the Sohal and the bottom dwelling, slower moving fish?


Active Member
WOW! Just incredible! You really need to stop showing pictures because i'm getting very very jealous! LOL How big is your shark, ray and eel again?


jcrim u are THE MAN do u know that ur tank is THE BEST i would have to say i bet alot of other people agree with me i would love to do a huge tank with a shark or ray of some kind awesome tank


Thanks everyone... I'm kind of addicted to fish photography but unfortunately I can't show any new inhabitants because I think my tank is maxed out. Actually I'd like some opinions on that...
Originally Posted by AW2
Do you see any aggression between the Sohal and the bottom dwelling, slower moving fish?
My sohal is actually very docile. He's much less aggressive than my purple. Never shown any aggression to anything except when my former foxface was getting beat up by everyone... peer pressure I guess.


Originally Posted by Cartman101
how big is your ray/shark/eel again?
Dude... you ask me the same question every time, lol. My shark is about 20 inches, my ray is about 5 inches around and the eel... probably 18".


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Epaullette (at least that's the spelling I stick with), ray, sfe, purple tang, sohal tang, miniatus grouper. There is no harlequin tusk. My sand wasn't live when I got it but all sand becomes live over time.
Now we got some responses... that's what I'm talking about.
Sorry I'm just a bit in need of glasses and too stuborn to get them I thought that was a harliquen on the right in pic 8.
How would you compare the epaullette to a bamboo?
As far as the sand goes since its not live when you get it , How well does the cycle start and did you do anything special or have any problems with it?
I was told not to even think of a purple tang in with agresive fish(sharks and rays). But I have read they are on the agresive side and you have one in your tank . would you recomend this ?