Sunday photo shoot


Very nice Tim_12! Might I recommend getting a little bit more live rock, and placing it on top going up like a mountain? It looks a little flat as it is right now. Other than that, keep up the great work! What livestock do you have? How long has the tank been set up?


I dont know if I'm going to get more LR yet. Right now I'm saving room for corals. Once I fill the tank out a bit more, I'll try to add some rock as needed. I have 2 False percs, 1 neon goby, 1 cleaner shrimp and a coral banded shrimp. I also have a yellow belly damsel in QT that will be joining the rest of the family next weekend. It has been up for about 7 months. I didnt realise it has been that long already. Time flies when you're having fun :joy:


Wow, this post is old. I'm using 150W HQI MH and 2 dual 96W actinics. Its the 3' Coralife MH fixture.