Sunlight, good or bad ?


Just want to ask the question is sunlight bad for your tank, I read somewhere in my quest to understand the functioning of a saltwater tank that sunlight may cause the growth of algee. Is this true, the reason why I ask is because a small ray of sunlight makes it's way to my tank every day. And my two clowns and the green chormis loves it. they just stay in that one spot where the sunlight comes in to the tank. Just want to know if I should block out the sunlight ???? Thanks


yes sun light will cause an algea bloom in your tank but if it just very little light that makes it to the tank i wouldn't be to concerned about it
My tank get some sun light through the blinds at certain times and there is no real affect.


I too,certain times of the year,get a few rays of sunlight. The creatures love it.Just make sure it's not too much, or for too long.