Sunlight Supply 4x54 T5 watt 48" tek light


The fixture in the link is the one I am selling.
I am including all four bulbs, and the mounting legs.
Reefgeek sells their's with 4 bulbs for $330, and $8 for shipping. The mounting legs for an additional $58.
I am selling mine with with 4 bulbs, and the legs for $350, plus shipping, whatever that may be. If you are close to me, its worth it, if not, then it might not be worth it.
PM me for any questions, pictures, shipping quotes, anything.
Also would be willing to trade for a T5 icecap retro, or some Tunze 6100s, controllers, anything like that.


Originally Posted by Tony44
Reefgeek sells their's with 4 bulbs for $330, and $8 for shipping. The mounting legs for an additional $58.
I am selling mine with with 4 bulbs, and the legs for $350, plus shipping, whatever that may be. If you are close to me, its worth it, if not, then it might not be worth it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by codylowe
Sorry to inform you of this Tony, but you can get the same lighting system other places for less than $125 shipped. I am in the market for a 48" dual MH system and found those for less then $400 shipped.
You will need to come down an awful lot to sell that on here.
If you can get that Tek light for $125 shipped. I will take a truckload of them.
You must be looking at something else entirely!!!


Originally Posted by codylowe
Sorry to inform you of this Tony, but you can get the same lighting system other places for less than $125 shipped. I am in the market for a 48" dual MH system and found those for less then $400 shipped.
You will need to come down an awful lot to sell that on here.

No offense, but before you come and criticize what I am selling, maybe you should do a little bit of research? You probably saw a regular T5 light, made by Nova Extreme, am I right? Ofcourse you wouldnt know that Sunlight supply is the only company that makes the T5 Tek light fixture with individual reflectors, which is what makes T5s as strong as MHs. You might be able to find a cheap nova fixture for $125 shipped, but I guarantee that you will not find a quality T5 fixture with bulbs and legs, like the one I am selling for anywhere near $350, which is what I am asking.
So please, next time you want to criticize someone, please make sure you do some research, and actually have some facts, before you make yourself look like an idiot once again.
Thank you.


Originally Posted by Tony44
No offense, but before you come and criticize what I am selling, maybe you should do a little bit of research? You probably saw a regular T5 light, made by Nova Extreme, am I right? Ofcourse you wouldnt know that Sunlight supply is the only company that makes the T5 Tek light fixture with individual reflectors, which is what makes T5s as strong as MHs. You might be able to find a cheap nova fixture for $125 shipped, but I guarantee that you will not find a quality T5 fixture with bulbs and legs, like the one I am selling for anywhere near $350, which is what I am asking.
So please, next time you want to criticize someone, please make sure you do some research, and actually have some facts, before you make yourself look like an idiot once again.
Thank you.
Sorry Tony, I must of been mistaken.... It was another brand - I was just looking at the size and wattage and couldn't believe it was soo much.