you mean sundial? yes its suitable and I'd consider it medium lighting (though this mean nothing. I consider it medium lighting for SPS and strong lighting for LPS). you'd probably want to upgrade the bulbs before you put in SPS and keep them in the upper half of the tank if you plan to but it will keep LPS and softies easily.
Originally Posted by Stanlalee http:///forum/post/2915214
you mean sundial? yes its suitable and I'd consider it medium lighting (though this mean nothing. I consider it medium lighting for SPS and strong lighting for LPS). you'd probably want to upgrade the bulbs before you put in SPS and keep them in the upper half of the tank if you plan to but it will keep LPS and softies easily.
Sorry, yes, its a Sundial.
Would it keep an anenome? Indeed, for now Id only be interested in LPS and softies. Thanks for the response.
yes again I'd probably do a bulb swap with ATI, Giesemann or ULV before trying any high light anemone's (not that it would be absolutely neccessary but to get the most out of the fixture). Bubble tip will do fine as is.