sunset wrasse


Hi all, I have a 6 in. sunset wrasse (banana wrasse) and I am thinking about adding corals and clams. Will the wrasse pick at it. Don't worry I have a 250 gallon tank, and have superb lighting. :D


Active Member
Top, I wouldn't try it. He would probably have a field day in that tank. He probably wouldnt be as much of a threat to sessile inverts as he would be to shrimp, crabs, stars, etc. IMO, I wouldn't try it. Bo


thanks man, I think i'm goign to turn him in to the lfs cuz he is so mean, I put in a high fin snapper w/ him and he was gettin beat up so bad so then next day I found him dead. :( So I'm going to turn him in. Then put up some corals, and clams w/ a bamboo shark, and other aggressive fish that won't harm the inverts. Don't worry i have big filtration.

rto 29

I have a sunset (banana) wrasse that is about 10" long...he will eat anything that goes into the tank...even fingers..he lives with a harlequin tuskfish that is dosile and eats like a pink fuzzy bunny compared to him!!! Just be careful, I hope it doesn't turn into an expensive snack!! Good luck and enjoy him!