Super Fish???


Ok, no more pushing the limits, creating stress and losing or having to return fish to my LFS...
I have had my tank for 1.5 years and in that time I have had three fish die and had to take my Niger back b/c he outgrew my tank. It took me awhile, but I have reached the point where I am no longer going to push the limits.
I have 55 gallon tank with a Maroon clown (oldest fish - over a year), flame hawk (8 months) and pink dottyback. I think I can put one more in this tank, but I am not going to push it. I want a fish that is tough and will last. I have overcome the desires to buy the expensive and fish that are too large (like Triggers, tangs etc.). I just want a fish that will be happy in my tank and not outgrow it. A fish that will be able to hold his own and not be jerk.
Is there a fish that will be happy with my current tankmates, not outgrow my tank and is generally a tough fish???
Does this super fish exist?????


Satisfy your need for more fish and hardy ones in one fell swoop...get 3 green chromises. They add the bio-load equal to an ONE of the fish you mentioned above, they're active, hardy, and fun to watch.


Since this is going to be the last fish, I would get a flame angel. Colourful, hardy and interesting to watch :)


I wouldn't call flame angels hearty...whatever fish you decide to get, make sure it's not a bottom dweller (unless it's like a mandarin or something that nothing really picks on if it can't eat it.) you've got two established pretty mean bottom dwellers already.
I'd get a couple of chromis. They're colorful, active and they hang out inthe water column and don't usually get picked on while they're in groups. Or you could get a dwarf lionfish or a marine betta. There are all kinds of things, just make sure that they're not easy to pick on like firefish or something along those lines.