Super Glue procedure


I've never attached any coral with super glue. Can someone tell me the proper procedure so I don't kill anything? I know to use the gel. I read you should dry off the rock and the bottom of the coral. But how long can it be out of the water? Should I just dry off the bottom and the rock, apply, then wait a few minutes before placing them back in? I'm probably over thinking this but want make sure I don't destroy anything. I'll be doing this with a cup coral I have coming mail order. Thanks in advance for the help!


Active Member
Sometimes I even super glue the coral to a rock thats still in the water. I just put some on the bottom of the coral (doesn't work with shrooms cause they are to slimy.) Then I just put it in the tank on the rock I want it, and sorta press and hold it for maybe 30 seconds. For zoos or something I want to attach to a rock thats sideways, I put a drop of super glie on the zoo rock, then a wad of putty, then a drop of glue on the putty and stick it to a side of rock already in the water, the putty helps the zoos keep from sliding down the rock.