Super Happy Maroon!


I think I just made my girl's day...I just got a new shipment from today, and about an hour ago finished acclimating my new bubble tip anenome and put in my female maroon is already hosting (or should I say completely immersing herself in the middle of) it!!

Hopefully she won't get aggressive towards her hubbly gold stripe maroon...he doesn't seem interested in it at all yet.


Originally Posted by beenbag497
Me male is gold stripe, and the female is a regular maroon (she was just too beautiful to pass up at the store).
Oh yeah...this fish in the pic is the same one who I posted in the other thread about silly things clowns do..she was hosting the lip/inflow tube of my hob filter until now! hahaha


hahahahah i wish i could gey a pair of gsm's for my 24 gallon
they are definetely one of the most beutiful saltwater fish's!!


Originally Posted by peachie98
I think I just made my girl's day...I just got a new shipment from today, and about an hour ago finished acclimating my new bubble tip anenome and put in my female maroon is already hosting (or should I say completely immersing herself in the middle of) it!!

Hopefully she won't get aggressive towards her hubbly gold stripe maroon...he doesn't seem interested in it at all yet.
our gsm were completely opposite: the male found the bta first and immersed himself in it, it took the female a while before she did. after we introduced the sebae, it was the male who went over and started immersing himself in the sebae, swimming back and forth between the 2 anemones, before the female followed.


Well...things aren't going so well anymore...
I had to take my male out today because the female has been going after him whenever he tries to go by her and "her" anenome. Poor guy...he had a few torn fins the other day, and yesterday she was going at him open mouthed. By today he was hiding under a rock hyperventilating.
This sucks...all over a stupid anenome! All he wants is to hang out with his mate, and all she wants is to hang out alone in the anenome.
Hopefully he'll be okay...not looking so good yet (I moved him to my small tank for the time being until I can figure out what to do).


He passed away the day after I took him out...I should have separated them when I noticed his torn fins.

She's still super happy in her anenome...not gonna get another mate for her though since she's so territorial about it (she "warns" the other fish if they come near it too).


Originally Posted by reefmate75
get another BTA

Hahaha...I would but then I'd have to find a mate she'd get along with (and she's not feeling very friendly lately since she is now in love with her bta) and hope he hangs out in the other bta...too much of a pain the ---. She seems quite happy to be widowed...and living alone in her private anenome.

Oh's a new pic from today of her in her bta...she never leaves it! Not sure if you can tell or not from the crappy pic quality but she is SO much lighter colored now, it's weird!


Originally Posted by eddie1973
Nice fish you got there. GSM's are my favorite too.
Thank you! She's really pretty...but she's not a gsm...she's a regular maroon (my male was the