New Member
Hey fellas,
I feel like im dealing with super ichs in my cupramine treated 55 gallon qt tank. The fish has been in the qt for 4 weeks and 3 days and im still seeing plenty of whites spots on my fishes. Sometimes the fish clears up but only to find out a few days later more white spots shows up. I tested my copper level with an APi copper test kit. I had it set at .50 for 3 weeks and about a week ago i decided to raise it close to 1.0ppm hoping that it should do the job but it didnt. You guys have any input? I have 1 medium yellow tang, 1 small blue tang, 1 small sailfin, 2 clown, 1 damsel in the qt.
I feel like im dealing with super ichs in my cupramine treated 55 gallon qt tank. The fish has been in the qt for 4 weeks and 3 days and im still seeing plenty of whites spots on my fishes. Sometimes the fish clears up but only to find out a few days later more white spots shows up. I tested my copper level with an APi copper test kit. I had it set at .50 for 3 weeks and about a week ago i decided to raise it close to 1.0ppm hoping that it should do the job but it didnt. You guys have any input? I have 1 medium yellow tang, 1 small blue tang, 1 small sailfin, 2 clown, 1 damsel in the qt.