Super Ich??


New Member
Hey fellas,
I feel like im dealing with super ichs in my cupramine treated 55 gallon qt tank. The fish has been in the qt for 4 weeks and 3 days and im still seeing plenty of whites spots on my fishes. Sometimes the fish clears up but only to find out a few days later more white spots shows up. I tested my copper level with an APi copper test kit. I had it set at .50 for 3 weeks and about a week ago i decided to raise it close to 1.0ppm hoping that it should do the job but it didnt. You guys have any input? I have 1 medium yellow tang, 1 small blue tang, 1 small sailfin, 2 clown, 1 damsel in the qt.

al mc

Active Member
If you are using the Seachem product Cupramine, then you should get their compatible copper test kit. The API may be giving you a false sense of security. While anything is possible, I still feel it more likely that your copper levels are low versus the Ich is resistent. However, I would not add more copper until you test with the appropriate kit.