super skimmer break in


Active Member
I've installed it in my sump and I'm not using the bubble diffusion box. Instead, I have the return hose submerged b/c of my water level. Not sure if this is correct.


Active Member
I think your going to have to shorten the hose or lift the skimmer, if they are too far under waterthe back pressure doesnt allow proper flow making the skimmer overfill. I keep mine half in half out to lessen splash bubbles. but try it first once you cut the hose its hard to put it back together.


Active Member
I do have microbubbles but nothing it isn't producing any nasty yet. I have microbubbles but nothing has risen above the collection cup ring/level and no foam at all. Also, not sure how many microbubbles I should see but I'll worry after the break in period I guess.


Active Member
here are some pictures so you can see how many microbubbles you should see. and how I have my return hose. I can delete these after you see them so they dont clog up your thread. just let me know when your done looking at them and I'll get them off here.



Active Member
Thanks. I don't have anywhere near those bubbles. But again, it's new and the adjustment valve just above the pump is half open per instructions of break in period.


reefkprZ>>>>>>2nd pic, is that water filled up that turtle neck part or is it just air?
I think I have exact skimmer you have.
I raise micro bubble up over that turtle neck and go into the lower portion of the cone in the collecting cup. But if I do that, the chamber doesn't have enough mirco bubbles to push dirty foam into the cup.


Active Member
its water right to where the cylinder hits the cone under the grey bottom band on the collection cup. I get a pretty thick sludge this way. it takes forever to fill the collection cup. and the ******** of the cone ends up with about a quarter inch layer of gunk by the time I emptey and clean it.


I clean the cup every 2 weeks. I couldn't get the skimmer to skim much stuff out of my tank. 125skimmer on 55g tank. I guess my tank has nothing to skim.
but anyhoo, I just can't stand the odor coming out from those nasty stuff building up in the cone. It smells bad and especially, the tank is in my bedroom. Gotta keep it clean.


Active Member
yeah sounds like you could adjust the bubbles up a bit in your case. I have a 75 with a 30g sump so my water volume (without subtracting for LR ) would be around 100g take out rock displacement and its closer to 75g total water (rough estimate) so a 55 with no sump +rock would have far less and your probably never going to pull as much as I do from my tank. I dump mine about once a week. (I feed heavy)


I have a problem with the skimmer overflowing when I have a power outage.
Once it overflows, it doesn't stop and fills up my 1g bottle that is connected to the drip hose and spills water onto the carpet floor.
It happened twice. So, I really don't know if anybody has such a problem like mine.
I am asking my Electrical engineer to help me do a relate that will cut off the power on the skimmer when the power is off and back on. That way, I can come home from work and turn the skimmer back on mannually.
Originally Posted by barchtruong
I have a problem with the skimmer overflowing when I have a power outage.
Once it overflows, it doesn't stop and fills up my 1g bottle that is connected to the drip hose and spills water onto the carpet floor.
It happened twice. So, I really don't know if anybody has such a problem like mine.
I am asking my Electrical engineer to help me do a relate that will cut off the power on the skimmer when the power is off and back on. That way, I can come home from work and turn the skimmer back on mannually.
try to search there was a thread on this happening to the super skimmers. i abut cried
when i read it cuase i have one myself and my wife will kill me if this ever happens!