Supplement help!


I am working on setting up my first saltwater tank. Its 29 gallons and I plan to keep mostly just corals with a few fish. I have been trying to figure out what supplements I need to add but I am overwhelmed by all the options on the market. I know that I need to add calcium and trace elements. Is there anything else? What do would you guys recommend? Also, approxamently how much and how often should I add them?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Gilly
I am working on setting up my first saltwater tank. Its 29 gallons and I plan to keep mostly just corals with a few fish. I have been trying to figure out what supplements I need to add but I am overwhelmed by all the options on the market. I know that I need to add calcium and trace elements. Is there anything else? What do would you guys recommend? Also, approxamently how much and how often should I add them?
I would get the tank up and running first before ide start thinking about suppliments.Start off with a good salt mix and test kits (ammonia,nitrate,nitrite,calcium pH,and magnesium) then see where your at.
Im by no means an expert but thats where im at today and im just at the point where im thinking about supliments.My tank has been up and running since around May and havent had to add anything just yet.Although i am just now getting to the point of haveing to suppliment Calcium and Magnisium ,water changes every 2 weeks has kept my tank pretty close to where it needs to be.Im sure others will chime in with alot more knowledge and experiance than i .
Anyway Happy Reefing


Get the tank set up and cycled with LR. You have a long way to go before corals go in there. Pick out a salt mix. Reef crystals or oceanic are best. Be sure that you have plenty of water flow. Ask plenty of questions.