"Supplementing" Additional Lighting


Ok, this may sound goofy, but you know the old addage--"not broke, dont fix", and I am happy with my pc lights

however, I would love to add more cool things that pc's wouldnt support.
Can I supplement with a mh pendant? Or should I just sell my pc's and invest in mh? ($
I only have a 55, so I have been placing things higher in the tank if they would need more light....so far so good!
What other lighting suggestions would work well in place of mh's? (and a lot of money to buy them?)



Active Member
either T5's or VHO's. pc's are good enough for curtain things. but like you said, you want cooler stuff, im guessing your meaning harder corals. so with these two suggestions you can keep alot more, the T5's alone you mite be able to keep what ever you wanted


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
either T5's or VHO's. pc's are good enough for curtain things. but like you said, you want cooler stuff, im guessing your meaning harder corals. so with these two suggestions you can keep alot more, the T5's alone you mite be able to keep what ever you wanted
Thanks a lot!!! I just know I wont be upgrading tanks for awhile--even though I'd love too---so I just want to be able to put things in this tank and make it look awesome!


Active Member
how wide is ur current fixture and how wide is ur tank...if u have room u can buy a fixture like sunpod 2x 150w or 250w which has MH only then use ur current pc fixture to supplement actinics if u want...the sunpod fixture will cost about the same as a T5 fixture...just another option for u to think about.