Supply pumps


Active Member
Our LifeReef LCR1 has Eheim pump. I bought it used so all I can tell is that the previous own just liked a more quiet and reliable pump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Devil Dog
Do you what size it is?
The pump is Eheim 1048 and it has 158 gallons per hour flow rate. The calcium reactor is rated for 300g and will be used in our 150g reef once setup starts.



I placed an order yesterday for a Sequence Reeflo Snapper that, through a manifold system and valves, will be used to feed my return, skimmer AND calcium reactor (yet to be purchased

devil dog

Active Member
I have been changing all of my filtration around. I got a new skimmer, wet-dry and reactor... before I had it all running off of one pump IMO not smart it was just too hard to control. So now I have a Gen-x 70 for me return and a Blueline 55 HD for my frag tank, refuge tank and canister filters with 14lbs carbon in them. And I think I’m going to go with an Eheim 1048 to supply my reactor...