suprised by sally light foot's behavior


i always feed sally to avoid his hunger and attack my corals. Just like cleaner shrimps, he is not afraid to come close to my hand and take the krill away from me. wow :eek: He isn't shy no more. I feed them about every 2-3 days and i am just stunned by how the sally have changed from hiding all the time, and now comes out to greet my food from my hand.


My sally also does the same, but he is getting way too big, and still nipping at corals, time for the LFS trip...
also wanted to share this,
My daughter-in-law has a star, that she has trained to feed from the turkey baster, he first grabs onto it, then flips onto his back and lets her feed directly to his tummy, she can also feed it little pcs of krill and shrimp, right from her hand...Its great to watch...
~Susie ;)