Sushi Tank


I do not know if this board can handle this post but check this one out.
I am building a 200 gallon sushi tank. I am planning to keep oysters, lobsters and some snapper in it. (all of these are tasty and can be caught without much effort) the tank iis going to be built with plywood with a pond lining. does anyone have any ideas that might help?
I know this does seem kinda at odds with keeping a fish tank. but i love fish. both to watch and to eat.


I think that it is pretty cool that you posted this here. I hope the members here are open minded and give you good advise. Me, I am still new here so I mainly sit back and listen! ;)


I love the idea. I really want some pics when you get it done. I myself want to buy a $10k glass back porch just so I can make a saltwater pond. So Im interested in things other than traditional FO or reef. Please give updates.
:eek: :D :eek:


Active Member
I love sushi!
too bad you aren't local for me, I 'd come (to help and eat), we don't even have a sushi bar locally, it would be socool to go and see a nice aquarium while being served
if you want to set it up to keep the fish, you need good circulatio, a good dense sand bed, live rock will help, but may be costly for something this size, to keep fish for such a short duration
The only problem, may be with a good sw system, you need to go real slow, adding and removing fish(whenever you add and remove life you should wait for the system to catch up before proceeding, this may be nearly impossible to do with this type of set up
in any event
best of wishes
:D :D


i am bulding the tank into a closet that i have in my apartment (keep in mind i am a dumb college student :) ) I was going to have the tank seperated into two sections. one section for lobster and the other for some fish. in both i am going to keep the oysters. I am going to have a huge DSB 7 inches most likely with a pleanum (sp?) the tank itself will work, i built a smaller one for a friend (55 gallon) that he anted for a look down biosphere. the main expense if i want to do this seriously is going to be the lights. since this is a suchi tank and everything in it is going to be come food, i'd rather not spend large ammounts of money. when i do that i might get attached. That would be bad.
another thing i was thinking about would be to mke a denitranator. (again sp). I did this back in middle school with a lenght of tubing. would this be a worth while idea??

fish fry

Might be worth it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway.
Does anyone have expirence growing edible seafood ie clams, musseles, oysters.
I love seafood, but am a little paranoid about eating things that could have come from polluted waters.
Fish Fry


fresh water critters are semi dangerous. Saltwater is pretty much the way to go if you want to catch and eat your own stuff. esp sushi.
i was thinking the samething i told my girlfriend and she thought it was funny but i was serious. i want a tank with live lobster and crab and a fw with catfish.


i am going down to the keys (I always make the trip in winter) and I pretty much limit out in lobster. last year we bagger 124 iin a week. so figuered i would just keep a few alive :) whehn i want it fresh just bust it out. I am going to post pics in a bit. just finished construction today :)