swapping tanks, new stock


I have decided I would really like to keep seahorses and my 39g would be perfect for this. But right now I have my fuzzy dwarf (my big baby), a pencil urchin and a choc. chip star in this tank. I would like to upgrade to a 55/75 and move the three of them to this. With that said I am having a bit of trouble deciding what other fish will be okay with my fuzzy. I am still waiting for my lfs to get in a blue leaf fish for me. But I am also looking at a snowflake eel, ghost eel, harlequin tusk, other fish-only wrasse, anglers, niger trigger, maybe a second lion such as the radiata or antennata. Obviously I would be insane to put all of these fish together in a 55 or 75 but of these fish, are their any that would not be compatibile with my fuzzy at all?


Active Member
The only 2 fish are the angler and trigger I think. The triggers have been known to nip at the lions ( they don't get poisioned because they usually go for the stomach) and anglers usually need to go into a tank by themselves. They eat huge fish, somewhere on this forum theres a picture of a angler eating a 7in tang. I'm also not sure how big the tusk will get because I"m not an aggresive person but somemore people on here will have input