Sweet deal for $10


i got these really sweet zoas for $10 at my lfs the other day..they are now at the top of my list as my favorite zoas and the more i look at them i like them more..might try to go back and get some more..after plenty of light they should really look good



Sick! That is so sweet...and cheap!! I have those except probably double the polyps but i paid 40
I wish my lfs was that cheap


Active Member
Lucky. My LFS is overpriced, and has nothing good. Currently having what appears to be a green cyano and dinoflagellate outbreak right now. So not only do you get less than what you pay for, but you get more unwanted goodies as well.
Regardless, GREAT find!


well i have a few lfs around here that always have nice finds at good prices..i can get micros acans at better prices than what i see some people trying to charge..no way i would pay some of those prices


wow ur lucky my lfs is closing in april
but i guess that means a closing sale
but i loved that place they always gave me good deals


Active Member
Very nice, I just got a tiny frag yesterday at my LFS. My first time for buttons so I am quite excited as they look so neat.
$10.00 wow you got a steal. That same size at my LFS is $54.00 CDN We pay dearly here in Canada for all corals. They have to be shipped in here and ordering from the USA is not allowed at the border crossings.
But that does not seem to stop folks here from keeping Saltwater aquariums, we just pay the price. The few corals I have are all frags or singles and have multiplied beautifully.


i love these more and more i look at them the lost some of the blue in them but man that yellow gold really pops now..i have two other frags from these that have held the blue a little more but i don't have them in high light
