Sweet deal.


Thought I should share this with someone. I went to the fish section at walmart ( to see if i could rescue any "dead" fish and noticed an albino catfish in the 28 cent goldfish tank, so I looked some more and saw som other goldfish that were not really goldfish. There was an albino catfish, and two swordtail mollies, male and female. I guess I got lucky, i bought all three for 28cents each!!!
The receipt shows two common goldfish (mollies) and one rosy red (catfish) The major problem was thet the water was at like 20 degrees, so I guess the were pretty happy in the warmer water. Unfortunately, the catfish doesn't look too good, so i'm not sure it will make it. Also does anyone know anything about mollies, my problem is thet i have other catfish and angelfish in my aquarium and have never had any need for using salt, but I know mollies need salt. Will the salt hurt the other fish? the salt I'm talking about is "aquariun salt for freshwater fish"


Active Member
Speaking of sweet deals, got a free RBTA and some mushrooms for free today from a fellow hobbiest!