Sweet lil nano reef!!!!!!


i really want to get a nano tank (20gal or under) and i was lookin around on ---- and i found these 2 tanks...they are the sweetest lil nano tanks i have ever seen they have built in skimmers and wet/dry systems
item numbers: 4353465440 and 4352696717
so check them out and tell me what ya think? does any one have one of these or one similar? :D


Active Member
The first tank is very nice but kind of spendy.
Second tank does have enough lighting for one. I think it should have been deeper instead of taller.
Less surface area makes for poor gas exchange.
Third one I dont like either- not enough light. How is that supposed to be a skimmer? They dont give you a powerhead either.
I got my nano dx from that same site for 139.99 and it is good for most soft corals and fish.
I did buy another PH and I am going to upgrade the pump.


Active Member
Go to Buy
Then to Home and Garden(top right of the page)
Pet supplies is on the right about 1/2 way down.
Fish is in that catagory