SWF.com Fish Died


Sad story, my emperor that i got from this site died this weekend. I came home to a massive pile of cleanup crew critters on top of a piece of fin and tail.
I thought there might be a problem with this little guy from the get go. He wouldnt eat and wasnt coming out to visit like all the other fish.....It figures that this would happen at day 20 though...so no guarentee. Anway...I'm sad

On a side note, i bought a salifert nitrate test kit today. Even with a dead fish in my aquarium my nitrates were 0. Kinda surprising!


Sorry for the loss. Losing a fish always sucks...
Seems like an adult Angel in a 55 was trouble brewing, though.


Active Member
its not the nitrate you have to check for, its the ammonia. i have a 125 and today my jawfish passed away and my ammonia was .50 when it has been 0 had to do a quick water change to lower it back to 0


good point about the ammonia thing...i didn't think about that.
i should probably update my profile i have a 75 now. The plan was to keep him as a juvi for 1-2 years in this tank and then upgrade to a 125 or 200 ish. Guess my plans have changed


sometimes the wild caught fish just are not happy in a tank and decide not to eat.. a risk we all run in this hobby!


Active Member
It is really surprising how many people do not quarantine salt water fish. :notsure: Sure is a shame. I have had to learn the hard way. Please, do yourself a favor and quarantine all fish, no matter where it comes from. It will save you a world of trouble in the long run.


i think this is a lesson that almost everyone learns the hard way. I will definatly be doing this from now on.


sorry for your loss
there's been a few complantes about the fish dying from this site in less than 15 days


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
sorry for your loss
there's been a few complantes about the fish dying from this site in less than 15 days

I do have to add this because people need to think about it.
It has nothing to do per se with this site....these fish are wild caught, shipped from places like Fiji, then to a holding facility, then reshipped to a home tank. That's a lot of traveling and it takes a major toll on fish.
Do you have any idea how many fish die within 48 to 72 hours at an LFS? LOTS and LOTS
It is the nature of this HOBBY that fish die.
A 15 day guarantee is a lot more than you would get at many LFS or other sites. They are taking a big risk offering such a long guarantee. Some stores here in Houston probably wouldn't credit you if the fish died on the way home.


Active Member
Yep, lots of lfs may give a warranty on FW but most do not have nay on SW fish.....How hard the lfs makes it to claim on the warranty is yet another sore sjubject, and IMHO makes for a lot of difference in where I buy from. Some places you have to jump through hoops and ring bells, send back dead bodies, in a sealed salt packed ziplock baggie,...send express mail giving notice of death etc etc.....One place I have dealt with was exceptionally easy to deal with when it came to casualties.....Call em up, tell what died, and at the end of the 14 days they will reship all that died free of charge, or at anytime you can get your credit card reimbursed for amount or have a credit to your account with them given..Can't get any easier than that.No bells to ring or whistles to blow...or hoops to jump through.
My LFS that I mainly deal with has tags on each tank with dates the inhabs were received and put it in the tank....All fish are held a minimum of 30 days from that date before they are sold. It may not be a true QT process, but it does give a person a chance to observe what they are wanting to buy, and if its still doing fine in 30 days there is certainly no reason it will not do fine longer term at its new home if the owner does their part.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I do have to add this because people need to think about it.
It has nothing to do per se with this site....these fish are wild caught, shipped from places like Fiji, then to a holding facility, then reshipped to a home tank. That's a lot of traveling and it takes a major toll on fish.
Do you have any idea how many fish die within 48 to 72 hours at an LFS? LOTS and LOTS
It is the nature of this HOBBY that fish die.
A 15 day guarantee is a lot more than you would get at many LFS or other sites. They are taking a big risk offering such a long guarantee. Some stores here in Houston probably wouldn't credit you if the fish died on the way home.

I totally agree with Ophiura. Most lfs's don't give any guarantee on SW fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
I totally agree with Ophiura. Most lfs's don't give any guarantee on SW fish.

that's probably b/c a lot of the fish that come from fiji and the south pacific are caught with cyanide. if you buy one (unknowingly) kiss it goodbye.......


SWF.com = amazing customer service
I e-mailed them just to let them know that this lil guy didnt eat and had passed away, but mentioned that i was aware that the 15 day guarentee period had expired. They responded today with a guarentee code for a new emperor!!! That is nothing short of amazing in my book! I didnt really expect that to happen, not did i even ask for it. This is top notch customer service in my opinion!!! my hats off!


I recall reading that the death rate from the ocean to the lfs is somewhere around 90-95%.
Now I don't quarantine, so somebody can spank me if they like. But I would think that any fish you receive via mail is going to be more stressed than one you purchased at an lfs since the trip is longer and rougher. But then again the conditions at the lfs also play a factor, as does every point along the way from the ocean.
That being said, I have been pretty satisfied with all purchases I have made from this site. My purple tang did come down with ich but it looks like he is finally making a recovery.


Active Member
along with what ophuira said .you must also remember that lfs get their fish from the same type of suppliers as online suppliers.transorting of these fish is very hard on them as it is to go from supplier to the new home.then you also have to remeber that the ones that are delivered to LFS are then sold to hobbiest before the fish has even settled in from the first trip.most fish havent eaten in days before we buy them due to stress.i try very hard not to purchase a fish from LFS until it has been there for 2 weeks and i see them eat


Originally Posted by jurichar
SWF.com = amazing customer service
I e-mailed them just to let them know that this lil guy didnt eat and had passed away, but mentioned that i was aware that the 15 day guarentee period had expired. They responded today with a guarentee code for a new emperor!!! That is nothing short of amazing in my book! I didnt really expect that to happen, not did i even ask for it. This is top notch customer service in my opinion!!! my hats off!
Very impressive...