SWF.com lr?


How is the live rock that they sell here at swf.com? size/coloring are really the two questions I have about quality. Thanks!


type this information in the search area and you will find plenty of pictures of the rock. Everything i have seen and heard says that it is very good rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
I'm SO excited! I just ordered a 46-50 lb. box of SWF.com's lr, can't wait for it to arrive!

Awesome! I think you will be very happy with the rock you receive. Everything that I have ever gotten from SWF.com has com in great looking and healthy.


Ok, I have had the rock curing for about a week and a half.
I only tested the Ammonia and Nitrite levels tonight. They were:
Ammonia: .50 ppm
Nitrite: 2.0 ppm
Soo... I've got some more waiting/water changes to do, but I can't wait to get the rock into the tank; it's gorgeous!


Active Member
Not to jack the thread but I have a related question. Im about to order 25lbs of fiji from swf and I was wonder if u can add a note to swf to request certain rocks based on lb.? Like say if I want four 5lb rocks?


I don't think you can request specific sizes. I Got the 45 lb box, and am very pleased with what they sent. I got a good mix of rocks, about 4 large ones, 6 medium, and a few small ones. (small being about 3 inches across)


Active Member
There is actually a place when you place an order where you can put special instructions. You could specifiy your preference for rock sizes there. I don't know for sure if they will honor it but I don't see why they wouldnt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
I don't think you can request specific sizes. I Got the 45 lb box, and am very pleased with what they sent. I got a good mix of rocks, about 4 large ones, 6 medium, and a few small ones. (small being about 3 inches across)
Yea I want to order the 25 lbs but I really only want pieces that are say like 6" by 6" max my tank is like 48"x13"....Idk I guess if they were bigger it wouldnt matter that much, i just need to fill up the right amount of space.
Did they ship ur rock overnight?


Yes, they did. My only warning is, be ready early. I checked when it was going to arrive and it said 7 PM, so I was getting ready (that day) around 11:00 AM.. when the delivery truck came with the box.. it all worked out well, just had to rush around more than I'd like. So, if you end up ordering, be sure you're ready for the rock the morning it should arrive, even if it's expected to arrive in the evening.


Active Member
lol...i was about to yesterday and then I go to look and hey swf is out of LR... Blah! now i have 2 wait longer.