SWF.COM Ship Times


I did a search for this but couldn't find anything.
After becoming disgusted with my LFS for reasons not worth mentioning here (I'm sure you can figure them out, use your imagination). I placed my first order for a bunch of clean-up critters from SWF.COM.
Does anyone know what their shipping schedule is like? I ordered at about 1:30ish this Thursday (eastern time). Will they arrive tomorrow or will it be Tuesday?
i know they said they would e-mail me the night before i should expect to recieve them but i am impatient! :)


Active Member
Probably will ship next moday for Tuesday delivery.. At least that is my experience..


You will get an email confirming when they will ship. I ordered on a Tuesday. I got an email on Wednesday that they would deliver on Thursday. They give you a tracking number. I received my items at 11:30am.
I think I read somewhere on the site that confirms your order that if you order on a Thursday, I think that they will ship on Monday and you should get it on Tuesday like the above post said.
I was very pleased with the specimens that I received and will definitely order again.
Try to make sure you are home, because they will not guarantee them if you are not and the box is left on the doorstep.


Active Member
When I ordered my live rock, it was on a Tuesday. I received it on Saturday morning. Don't be too impatient! I know it sucks waiting so long, but at least you don't have to go through all the hassles of the LFS!!!



Originally posted by Dacia
When I ordered my live rock, it was on a Tuesday. I received it on Saturday morning. Don't be too impatient! I know it sucks waiting so long, but at least you don't have to go through all the hassles of the LFS!!!

true! My LFS just never has what I want, and they can never tell me what they are getting and when. It also isn't very local
as it is about a 40 minute drive (each direction depending on traffic), so it is a real bummer to drive up there just to turn around and drive back. That and they are all elitiest (sp?) fish snobs that don't even want to give me the time of day. Oh well... </end soapboxrant>