

Still trying to reach SWF.com with questions. Put this company on a list of rotten customer service. It seems the only time they will respond to an email is when they are trying to soliciate more business. How does this 15 day guarantee work. Do you wait the full 15 days to see what else will die then ship the dead livestock back or do they have to recieve your dead fish within the 15 day period. If I ran my business like this I would be out of business!
P.S. They are so carefull about stressing the drip acclimation process and yet my fish arrived in 10 degree weather with 3 barely warm heat packs. The water was freezing. Is it possible I lost my 2 clowns and other livestock because of this? And by the way the 15 day guarantee is no bargain since you have to order the min. charge all over again? Am I correct in assuming this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by disaster
Still trying to reach SWF.com with questions. Put this company on a list of rotten customer service. It seems the only time they will respond to an email is when they are trying to soliciate more business. How does this 15 day guarantee work. Do you wait the full 15 days to see what else will die then ship the dead livestock back or do they have to recieve your dead fish within the 15 day period. If I ran my business like this I would be out of business!
P.S. They are so carefull about stressing the drip acclimation process and yet my fish arrived in 10 degree weather with 3 barely warm heat packs. The water was freezing. Is it possible I lost my 2 clowns and other livestock because of this? And by the way the 15 day guarantee is no bargain since you have to order the min. charge all over again? Am I correct in assuming this.
You email them immediately as something dies. See the link on the left for "Guarantee" to follow procedures to get your issues resolved.
Your thread has been forwarded to the Admin. Please do not continue to post new threads on the same subject. SWF is a company run by people. They make mistakes. Follow the Guarantee procedures and your issue will be resolved.

jackie dh

Even though SWF packs them well, the good old UPS sucks. Their trucks are unheated and your fish sit in the back until they are delivered to you. If SWF put enough heat packs in the boxes to keep the fish warm all the way to you, they would cook the fish.

So I try to only order when the temps are at least in the 50's and lower than the 90's to improve my odds. I have suffered losses due to chilling though and they made good except for the jawfish that I got last time, even though he was pretty much gone when I got him, I wen ahead and put him in my tank and never saw him again. I have a big tank loaded with live rock, once a critter goes it, it's in for good. I assume that they hermits took care of the body in short order. Since I couldn't provide them with a dead fish, I was SOL.

That said, I will continue to order from SWF. They have the best livestock and the best prices and I haven't had any problems with their customer service at all. :happyfish